

Three interactive holiday windows for Cartier’s 5th Avenue boutique in New York (2012)

For Reach, Zigelbaum + Coelho drew from their research work at the MIT Media Lab to create a site-specific project for the renowned French jeweler and watchmaker Cartier. In collaboration with Hypersonic Engineering & Design and Kyle McDonald the team used LIDAR sensors, subtle projection, and custom mechatronics to create an installation of 21 highly interactive, movable jewelry boxes that respond directly to human, exploratory gestures.

“Reach breaks the window’s boundary with an elegant and invisible technology to allow 5th avenue pedestrians to magically extend their bodies into the jewelry displays,” writes Marcelo Coelho. Through this installation, the typical window shopper becomes a conductor of movement and transformation. A slight move of the hand in front of the windows controls spotlights that shine down on boxes to reveal a special surprise.


By Zigelbaum + Coelho with Hypersonic Engineering & Design and Kyle McDonald.

Special thanks to: Dark Matter Manufacturing, Brett Van Aalsburg, Heather Blind, Sean Follmer, Esmeralda Kosmatopoulos, Adam Lassy, David Nunez, James Patten, Janette Wernegreen, Laura Wickesberg.


Source code for interfacing with the LIDAR sensor was written with openFrameworks and is available on GitHub.